I don't have the answer, but if you're interested in such subjects, you can check out Iron Men and Tin Fish: The Race to Build a Better Torpedo during World War II.
"A former naval officer examines the technical details and military politics behind the torpedoes developed by the United States, Germany, Britain, and Japan during 1941 and 1942 in response to navigation and detonation failures. The investigation focuses on the Mark 14 torpedo and relies on Bureau of Ordnance archives along with submarine veteran interviews."
~ SciTech Book News
"In the most comprehensive analysis of the topic to date, Newpower chronicles US torpedo problems, showing that they lasted until submariners simply stopped using the magnetic explorers. (Britain and Germany had abandoned them by 1941.) Officers in Australia conducted experiments that finally convinced BurOrd officials that depth regulators were defective. Newport Torpedo Station engineers then redesigned the depth regulators, and officers in Hawai'i solved the contact exploder problem on their own by redesigning the firing pin. Recommended. All levels/libraries."
~ Choice
Thanks to "The Hooded Claw" over on the KindleBoards for the suitably geeky reading suggestion!
Iron Men and Tin Fish
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